Monday, March 9, 2015

How Your Body is Like a Hurricane

This past weekend I was inside like most people, except for the crazy few that decided it was a good time to go surfing. I was without power and a limited cell service. I was disconnected to the world, and it was rather refreshing for a change. I got to slow down and do some meditating. While I was deep in thought I had an idea strike me. Your body is a lot like a hurricane. Go with me here.

First off, it is very powerful. Your body is capable of some incredible things. You can do things that will even amaze you. Athletics in general, whether it be throwing a baseball or hitting a golf ball, are powerful tasks. Every sport involves some kind of power aspect. Even if sports aren’t your thing, you can do some powerful things too. Mankind, in general, has sent a man to the moon… Granted that’s rocket power but still the thought is incredible.

Second, it is unpredictable. All week we had newscasters telling us how the world was going to end. They might as well been advertising for 7-11’s all over the East Coast. Your body is the same way. Not one thing you do is exactly the same as the time before. Again, in sports this is easy to see. In fact, my definition of an athlete is someone who can perform a task called of them time and time again, even though no time is the same. Adaptability is Athleticism. Sport is unpredictable. Same goes for everyday tasks. Yea maybe you take the same road to work but you have no control over the traffic or the other cars. You are called to adapt to your surroundings and be unpredictable.

Lastly, the eye of the hurricane needs to be like your core. Even with all the craziness going on around the eye, the inside is calm and peaceful. In athletics, if you have a weak core you will not perform to the best of your ability. At all times you must be in control of your core. Same goes for non-sport life. Every movement you do is effected by your core. If you are not in control of your core at all times, you are not moving efficiently. What does non-efficiency mean? Injury. Maybe not right away like a contact injury, but over time your body will break down. Think of this as a tree lying in the road. You are going to have to go down a different path that is not as efficient as your intended path. Your body does this by compensating, and time after time of this will leave you with back pain, shoulder pain, or knee pain. Your body is the ultimate compensator.

So put these together and you get that, like a hurricane, your body is powerful, unpredictable, must have a strong core to stay together. Start training your core today at Next-Level-Speed to take the unpredictability of everyday life and use it to make you stronger, more powerful, and more efficient.

by Matt Otteman

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