Tuesday, November 24, 2015

The 3 Easiest Ways To Get Injured In The Gym

A lot of people get injured in the gym despite the fact that working out isn't necessarily dangerous. Usually it's because they are overdoing it or they are performing a movement they are not ready to perform. It's pretty common sense stuff however, our ego always gets the best of us. As always, our ego sweeps the idea of risk and reward under the rug. So what are some of the more dangerous things you can do in a gym? This list might surprise you a bit.

1. Jogging and Sprinting. That's right, as if you didn't hate doing it enough. Turns out running is actually more dangerous then a lot of exercises. Its a bit obvious how sprinting can be on this list. the truth is, performing any maximum output movement comes with risks. Especially when you are working in end range motions of the joint. In this case it usually comes during deceleration. Our hamstrings decelerate us when sprinting so if you haven't worked your way up to this you might be in trouble.

Jogging is a little different. The constant up and down motion causes stress on the joints in the low back, hips, knees and ankles. In addition to this, many joggers run long distances so this repetitive stress could last a very long duration.

2. Box Jumps. This is anothger common sense one. There are two parts of this exercise that we see people get hurt on. First, is missing their jump. Once you leave the ground you better pray to the god of skinny little punks that you stick your landing because if you don't it's gonna get ugly. The other part of this movement is the landing. This is all about force absorption. Typically I teach my clients how to land before I teach them how to jump. Remember, what goes up must come down.

3. Olympic Lifting. Olympic lifting is its own sport and it takes years to master. Learning this sport like any other, takes coaching. Again, like sprinting and box jumps you are attempting to move as much as possible in the shortest amount of time.

So remember to stay safe out there!!! I'm not discouraging people from doing these movements. Truth be told they are extremely useful. However, your most useful ability is your ability to be present. 

As always, if your interested in taking your training to the Next Level, contact us for more details.

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